2021: Keynote Speakers
Prof. Johanna Thoma
Johanna gave a keynote on 'The Moral Status of Pure Risk Paternalism in Relation to Individuals' Risk Attitudes'. She is professor at the London School of Economics and works on practical rationality and decision theory, ethics and public policy, and economic methodology.
Prof. Sir John Kay
John spoke about 'Decision-Making under Radical Uncertainty'. He is one of Britain’s leading economists and works on the relationships between economics, finance and business. He has held chairs at the London Business School, the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics and is a Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford.
Student Speakers
Clara-Marie Scheuber
"Climate Clubs and the UNFCCC: Competitors or Supporters?"
Clara-Marie has a background in Politics, Economics and Philosophy. She is particularly interested in the interface between game theory and international relations. In her research and work she focuses on international climate politics.
Anastasiia Nahorna
"Collective (Un)Freedom"
Anastasiia has an academic background in international relations, political science and international communication in particular, but decided to transition into another interdisciplinary realm by pursuing a Master's degree in Politics, Economics and Philosophy at Hamburg University. There she focuses on political choice theory and constitutional economics.
Barbara Bziuk
"Business Corporations and the Social Connection Model of Responsibility for Justice"
Barbara is a PhD Candidate in the ERC-funded project "The Business Corporation as a Political Actor" at Utrecht University. Within the project, she works on a theory of social justice for corporations, with a focus on corporate finance in particular. Before joining Utrecht University, she received her Master’s degree in PPE at the University of Groningen, and the Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Social Sciences at Humboldt University of Berlin.
Markus Fuchsberger
"Can Ethics Help Politics Make More Responsible Decisions?"
After his recent graduation in Ethics for Teachers and Professional, Markus is in the finishing stages of his Master degree in Philosophy too. His interests lie in all things to do with applied ethics - be it biomedical, political or military.
Teresa Linzner
"Anything But "Old News": Uncertainty & the Precautionary Principle"
After studying Economics and Philosophy in Vienna, Teresa completed an MSc in Philosophy and Public Policy in London. She has since gained working experience in the charity sector as a research and policy officer, focusing on academic and other educational projects in Europe as well as in the Global South.
Bartłomiej Sadowski
"In Defence of Rationality of Hyperbolic Patterns or Time-Discounting"
Bartłomiej graduated with a bachelor's degree in Economics from University of Warsaw. Now he is studying for a Master of Science in Economics and Philosophy at LSE. His current interests revolve mainly around decision theory and behavioural economics with particular focus on intertemporal choice.
Daniel Mayerhoffer & Jan Schulz
"A Network Approach to Conspicuous Consumption"
Daniel Mayerhoffer does his PhD in Political Science at the University of Bamberg. He builds agent based computational models on various social, political and economic issues, and is also interested in the epistemological foundations of these models. In his spare time, Daniel builds Lego models, and engages in vigorous discussions in which he values rigorous argumentation.
Jan Schulz is a PhD student in economics at University of Bamberg, working mostly on issues of economic inequality. He co-founded the group for pluralist economics in Bamberg in 2015 and is since the looking for ways to model social interaction and heterogeneity.
Panel Discussants
Prof. Sir John Kay
John is one of Britain’s leading economists and works on the relationships between economics, finance and business. John has been a Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford, the British Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He has held chairs at the London Business School, the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics and is a Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford.
Prof. Johanna Thoma
Johanna will give a keynote on 'The Moral Status of Pure Risk Paternalism in Relation to Individuals' Risk Attitudes'. She is professor at the London School of Economics and works on practical rationality and decision theory, ethics and public policy, and economic methodology.
Dr. Julia Lemonia Raptis
Dr. Julia Lemonia Raptis
Julia joined the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) in 2009 and held various positions until becoming head of section for legislative affairs and supervisory policy. Previously Julia was seconded to the European Commission at DG FISMA as expert for securities regulation and worked as assistant at the Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Vienna.
Prof. Hans Bernhard Schmid
Prof. Hans Bernhard Schmid
Bernhard is professor at the University of Vienna and works on social philosophy, action theory, and philosophy collective responsibility.
Video Presentations
Måns Abrahamson
Uncontroversial Preference Purification in Behavioural Welfare Economics
Albert Chak
Exchange and Cooperation Reflections on the Prisoner's Dilemma
Marco Emilio
Cooperation and Environmental Goods
Christian Loos
Institutional ethical considerations as a chance for demarginalizing futures
Jiwon Kim
Does statistics tell us anything morally interesting?
Christian Kroll
Multi Rational Competence & Shared Ethical Leadership
Emmanuele Martinelli
Symbolic vs Connectionist Social Orders