Tobias Derschan
Tobias Derschan
With his background in Philosophy he joined the new P&E Master in its first semester. By now his interest lie especially in political epistemology, media economics and their relatedness.
Paula Doenecke
Paula Doenecke
After studying Economics and Political Science in Frankfurt and Prague, Paula joined the Master Philosophy & Economics in Vienna. In her academic, journalistic and consulting work she focuses on sustainability, welfare and transformation.
Doris Nikolić
Doris Nikolić
Doris completed her undergraduate studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford and is currently pursuing her MA in Philosophy and Economics in Vienna. She is particularly interested in the intersections and applications of philosophy and economics to public policy.
Max Reichert
Max Reichert
Max has a background in Global Studies and currently studies Philosophy & Economics as well as European Social Policy. He is interested in Policy impact assessment, especially with regards to welfare, fairness and social rights.
Linnert Steffens
Linnert Steffens
Linnert studies Philosophy & Economics as well as Slavic Studies, his focus being Welfare Economics and the Capability Approach. Linnert has working experience in international trade, sustainable supply chains, rural development, and cultural cooperation.
Sebastian Rosenauer
Sebastian Rosenauer
Sebastian studies P&E in the second semester. He has a background in Political Science and Chinese Studies and is particularly interested in financial markets and questions of regulation.